The Kampsville Inn had water at the bottom of the door on Tuesday evening. Further flooding will take the water inside.
The Kampsville Inn had water at the bottom of the door on Tuesday evening. Further flooding will take the water inside.

Calhoun County is in a wait-and-see mode at the moment to see what happens with rising river levels.

Pumps and a wall are operating at the intersection of Broadway and State Streets in Alton.
Pumps and a wall are operating at the intersection of Broadway and State Streets in Alton.

Flooding is projected to crest Wednesday at 33.5 feet, which is considered major flooding, but as of Tuesday afternoon, only East Panther Creek and Silver Creek Roads were closed. The Illinois River projections do not include any rainfall for Wednesday.

The area that most think of being the grounds of Kampsville's Old Settler's Day's has now become a fishing spot.
The area that most think of being the grounds of Kampsville's Old Settler's Day's has now become a fishing spot.

Kampsville’s roads were still open as of Tuesday and Mayor Ted Schumann said right now without rain things would be OK, but intense rainfall could change things. The two major restaurants and other businesses in Kampsville remained open as of Tuesday, the mayor said. The Kampsville Ferry remains in operation, the mayor added.

The entrance to Barefoot in Hardin shows an emply parking lot but no water Tuesday evening.
The entrance to Barefoot in Hardin shows an emply parking lot but no water Tuesday evening.

The Barefoot Bar in Hardin was open on Tuesday with water on one side of its parking lot. Residents are still struggling with getting back and forth on the Joe Page Bridge with work occurring. The main problem is when barges go through, which creates a backlog of cars and traffic delays.

Flooding Continues to Hamper Traffic and Commerce

The rain and high waters have not affected the Joe Page Bridge. Debris continue to collect and move down the river, creating some problems.

Flooding Continues to Hamper Traffic and Commerce
Flooding Continues to Hamper Traffic and Commerce